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This website is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The information contained on this site does not constitute medical advice. Speak to your doctor regarding all significant health concerns.

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Words of Our Modern Leaders

Photo credits:

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Imperatives to Our Earth

On Global Warming:


On Rainforest Destruction:


On Drought, Famine, & Desertification:

(1) Michael F. Jacobson. “Six Arguments For a Greener Diet: How a More Plant-based Diet Could Save Your Health and the Environment. Washington, DC: Center for Science in the Public Interest.

(2) John Robbin’s “Diet for a New America”, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction.

(3) United Nations, Sixty-seventh General Assembly:


On Forest Fires:




On Fine-Particle Air Pollution:





On Acid Rain:  â€‹


On Ocean Wildlife Depopulation & Functional Extinction:




On Domestic Habitat & Biodiversity Loss:


On Overpopulation:


On Farmed Animal Sewage:

(1) Berendes et al.; Environmental Protection Agency, “Detecting and Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Fecal Pathogens Originating from Confined Animal Feeding Operations: Review” (Environmental Protection Agency, September 14, 2010),

(2) United States General Accounting Office, “Animal Agriculture: Waste Management Practices – Report to the Honorable Tom Harkin, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, U.S. Senate,” July 1999,

(3) Pew Environment Group, “Animal Agriculture and the Clean Water Act,” Fact sheet, December 1, 2010,; Government Accountability Office, “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: EPA Needs More Information and a Clearly Defined Strategy to Protect Air and Water Quality from Pollutants of Concern” (Washington, D.C., September 2008),; Megan Stubbs, “Environmental Regulation and Agriculture,” n.d., 45.

(4) Environmental Protection Agency, “Detecting and Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Fecal Pathogens Originating from Confined Animal Feeding Operations: Review.”

(5) The Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production and The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America,” Washington: DC, 2008, 24–25,


On Ocean Dead Zones, Ocean Acidification, & Coral Bleaching:




On Ocean Plastic Pollution:


The Comparative Anatomy of Our Species
Photo credits:
Consensus of the World's Largest Dietary Organizations
Dietitians of Canada: 
The Association of UK Dietitians:
British National Health Services:
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council:
The German Nutrition Society:

Teachings of Early Modern Naturalists
Charles Darwin:
John Ray:
George Louis Leclerc:
Carl Linnaeus:
Dr. Luis D'Aubenton:
Dr. William Lambe:
George Cuvier:
Alexander von Humbold:
Dr. William Andrus Alcott:
Richard Owen:
Thomas Henry Huxley:
Charles Darwin:

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Imperatives to Human Welfare

​On the Spread of Zoonotic Disease – Foodborne illnesses

E. coli: 73 000 infected per year in the U.S. (1)

Salmonella: 1.2 million cases per year in the U.S. (2)

Campylobacter jejuni: 2 million U.S. cases per year (3)

Mad Cow Disease: About 220 human cases on record (4)


On the Spread of Zoonotic Disease – Outbreaks



Bird flu: A total of 385 cases since 2008 (5), with an estimated 33-60% mortality rate (6)

SARS: 8 098 cases with 774 known deaths (7)

Swine flu: 60.8 million cases in the U.S. with 12 500 deaths (8)



On the Spread of Zoonotic Disease. -- Bovine leukemia virus



On Global Starvation:


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Words of Notable Historic Anti-Carnists
Leonardo DaVinci:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Leo Tolstoy:
Henry David Thoreau:
Thomas Edison:
George Bernard Shaw:
Nikola Tesla:
Robert Louis Stevenson:
Albert Einstein:
Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz:

Coretta Scott King:
Henry (Noah) Spira:
Dexter Scott King
Dr. Jane Goodall
Alex Hershaft:
Carl Sagan:
Brian Greene:

Plant Diet Questions


Plant Diet Nutrition
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