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In 2013 Latter-day Saint BYU professor Jane Birch published her whole-food plant-based work titled, "Discovering the Word of Wisdom", and subsequently began collecting testimonies of fellow Latter-day Saints who have successfully transitioned to a plant diet. She has now compiled the testimonies of hundreds of members on her website,


One such testimony is from Tom Rodgers, a generational animal farmer from Utah,

whose story is included below:

- Nothing Need Die, that I Might Live -

I grew up on dairy and poultry farms managed or owned by my father in the Bountiful, Utah area. I thought I ate a healthy diet, which included meat, eggs and milk. I obeyed the Word of Wisdom as I understood it, but contrary to the Word of Wisdom promise, my health was failing.

As my own boss in my some-times animal husbandry and all-the-time mechanical repair business, I was never short on exercise. My work was always physically demanding and strenuous. I could “throw” a cow, “drop” a cantankerous horse, pull wire or break thread on the largest rusty pipe or bolt without difficulty. I did unfortunately believe, as I had been thoroughly taught, that I needed to sufficiently consume, for the “good” of my health, teeth and bones, the products of my own dairy and animal husbandry industry. I had no shortage of milk, eggs or meat. I should have been as healthy as my old horse Frisky – but it was not so!

One day [at 49 years old] as I was working on a washing machine, I leaned over it and bumped into a little mass in my chest that gave me a sharp pain. I thought, “Wow what is going on here?”

I went to the hospital. After several tests, I learned that I had tumors in my chest and abdomen. I had one very large tumor in my upper back with tentacles reaching into my chest cavity and brain. I also had stage 4 malignant melanoma.

The doctors at the VA hospital did the best they could to save my life. I underwent four cancer surgeries, each lasting three hours or more. I woke up during one of the operations while they were scraping the cancer off my rib bones. They had to increase my anesthesia. I also suffered multiple TIAs or mini-strokes during and after these surgeries. My life declined and its limits became no larger than the hospital ward or my own imprisoning bedroom. All else in my life’s dreams and efforts collapsed, vanished or were taken away.

Four months later in June of 1990 a third stroke took my sight and left me with little speech and motor function. My left side was fully impaired. Two and a half years of endless headache, pain and perpetual nausea were now in process! I was overwhelmed and depressed with my dysfunction as additional cancer cleanup surgeries and treatment continued! My world no longer fully visible, workable and for the most part communicable, crumbled about me. Unannounced to me, a team of psychiatrists were quietly adding to my cabinet full of prescriptions. Their tiny pills further disconnected me from logic and life.

Seven months later in January of 1991, my heart was tired, damaged and wanting to stop. Suffering a heart attack, though still alive, I was sped again out of my bedroom back to my old familiar emergency bed in the VA hospital. The evaluations revealed a malfunctioning heart valve. My life was returned as before, back to my bedroom, but with some more pills to take, of course.

Six months later in June of 1991, my body was slowly going into septicemia, or shock, from a recent dog bite. Though the doctors heroically worked on me, my heart and lungs did stop for a short time. In those moments between life and death, I passed from the emergency room into a garden or large park. I was brought to a grand picnic table, which I believe represented the Table of the Lord. There were many people gathered around it. I recognized Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, and other early Latter-day Saint leaders from their portraits. Jesus Christ stood on the right side of me and my grandfather, Eli B. Rodgers, who served in the Salt Lake Temple Presidency, was on the left. As I looked at this great table, I looked for milk and honey and other familiar foods, but saw only foods of the garden. A question began to form in my mind, “Where were the animal foods?” At first it was like I was not there to them, but as that question began to form in my mind, all of them, like a choir in unison, stopped and said, “We do not partake of those things here.” Instantly I understood that the issue was the taking of life. I understood that my cancers, heart disease and strokes were a consequence of my willingness to take the life of a creature (or animal).

As everybody went back to what they were doing, Emma Smith maintained eye contact with me. I sensed that she wanted to tell me something. She was a beautiful lady with long black hair and porcelain skin. Still standing between Jesus Christ and my grandfather Eli, I had a lengthy conversation with Emma. She was very concerned about the deterioration of the health of children on earth. I also learned that because Emma had lost her first three children at birth, she urged Joseph to inquire as to the reason, and he received the revelation known as the Word of Wisdom.

As we concluded our communication, the scene at the garden dissolved and suddenly I found myself at my local ward, looking at my wife, with Jesus Christ and Eli as my escorts. I also had a foster son, biological son and a daughter on missions for the church, all at the same time. I could see each of them as inserts in that view. My family desperately needed me. I plead with my Lord, “I cannot stay here (in the spirit world) they need to know what I now know.” Then Jesus promised me, “I will help you with your family, if you help me with mine.” I understood and made a promise to never eat animal foods and offend Him again by so doing, and to do everything I could to educate His family to live within this truth.

As I barely awoke from my near death experience, I immediately called for the dietitian of the hospital. My strangely out-of-character words to the hospital dietitian were, “Nothing need die, that I might live!” Sensing her and everyone’s disbelief from this old rancher’s request, and struggling again to speak, I restated, “Nothing is to lose its life, so that I might have mine!” Death’s embrace did work profound change in my way of thinking – never again to be the same! Passing near death I understood nature’s wisdom and my foolish errors. I had to make a compassionate and intelligent change. That wonderful lady of the kitchen facilities understood, and from that day forward she was my “angel” in the hospital kitchen, making sure that my hospital menu was only of gentle foods. Nothing more was to suffer for me or my appetite!

As a former dairyman/rancher this new way of thinking was unusual, uncomfortable, even offensive to many of my friends and family. We were steeped in the time-honored traditions of our fathers, along with our lucrative profits and pride.

But eleven months later I was past death and looked so much better! April 5, 1992 was once my medically predicted death date! However, here I was sweetly living 60 lbs lighter, sight, speech and mobility returning. My blood analysis was equal to a 20-year old. My immune system was back and working, a remaining growth under my rib reducing and a third mass in my groin – gone! Arthritis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, tinnitus, teeth (what I had left) all healing! But the most important healing for me was my returning ability to play and interact again with my family and friends.

In June of 1991, when I had my near death experience, I had a tumor just below my right rib the size of a walnut. After two years on the plant-based diet, I went back to my oncologist for x-rays. The tumor was now the size of a pea! It was proof that I was getting better! However, my doctor attributed it to “spontaneous remission” and took no interest in my healthy diet. Seven years later, the University of Utah wanted to study my case for cancer research, but when they found out I ate only plants, the idea was dropped.

For the next ten years of my life, I traveled all over the western United States, teaching people about the plant-based diet. It was both enjoyable and difficult, but I was up for the task. I made many friends along the way. Many lectures were given at universities such as USC, UCLA, Pepperdine, Cal Poly Tech, UC Davies, University of Riverside, UC San Diego, all the universities in Utah and Nevada, Harvard, Yale and many others. Additional lectures were given at public libraries and gatherings at homes and health food stores. What a happy honor to have friends who are now engaged in caring for the precious temples of the human spirit, who are willing to speak out and courageously act in defense of all the voiceless, helpless and innocent life of creation – including our own priceless children. I am now in my 78th year and going strong. My doctor gave me nine months to live in 1991, but here I am today – nearly 30 years later!

As recorded by Tom Rodgers, December 7th, 2019. Amended for brevity. Unabridged text can be read here.

Latter-day Saint Testimonies

What does it look like to receive *all* the blessings of the Word of Wisdom?

Excerpts from Others' Stories

About a year after I started earnestly following promptings from Heavenly Father, my running partner suggested that I try a popular fad diet where you eat almost no carbs but lots of meat and fat at each meal.... I began praying about the fad diet. The inspiration I received was to read the Word of Wisdom. My first thought was, "The Word of Wisdom? I live that perfectly." Well I couldn't have been more wrong. I read and re-read the passages, and they screamed out to me. Eat whole fresh vegetables in their season! Eat fruit in their season! Grains should be the staff of life! Eat meat so sparingly that you only eat it in times of famine or extreme cold. Wow!... I now run every day, and I feel healthier than I have ever felt. I feel lighter and cleaner somehow. I have a clean conscience that I am no longer adding to animal suffering and the horrible destruction of this beautiful planet that Heavenly Father blessed us with....The sad part of this journey is that everyone seems to be asleep to these issues. I talk about them, and I post about them, but very few people actually want to hear what I have to say. That aspect of the journey is very difficult because I wish that I had discovered all of this so long ago!... I thank Him every day in prayer for my new knowledge that was right in

front of me all along.  

- Candace Bithell, Sandy, Utah

When I got my patriarchal blessing as a teenager, I remember being surprised that it specifically mentioned the Word of Wisdom and that I should be careful about what I take into my body. I never had a problem with the Word of Wisdom, which I considered to mean abstinence from drugs and alcohol, and I wondered why it was specifically mentioned. It did not occur to me at that time that it might not be referring to drugs and alcohol, but to food.... I have now been living this amazing lifestyle for 21 months.... Remarkably, I do not battle food addictions and emotional eating any longer. This lifestyle has cured me of all the problems with food that I struggled with my entire life.... During this journey there have been many struggles. Friends and family have not understood why I would choose to eat this way. I have felt moments of extreme loneliness as I navigate this healthy lifestyle with, at times, no support. But I have a complete conviction that Heavenly Father is pleased with my dietary choices. And I feel His presence in my life now more than ever.

- Rachel Echols, Loveland, Ohio

I remember one day feeling especially frustrated at all the nutrition advice that had sent me back and forth as to what I should eat, I stood in the kitchen having no idea what to cook for dinner. It felt daunting to try to figure out what would give my family something nutritious and delicious, yet fit the dietary needs I felt I was supposed to follow.... With so much confusion in the world about proper diets, how could I ever find what I truly needed? Joseph Smith's description of his search for truth describes my feeling perfectly as I waded through the many confusing voices of the world. He said, "In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong together? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it?" (JSH 1:10).... At the end of a second fast, I received a specific and detailed [priesthood] blessing guiding me, "to continue to seek His will" and that "He was not hiding it." I was directed that I would "need to open my heart to it and be prepared to receive it, but if I desired His will, He would show it to me." I was also told that "when I open my heart completely, I would need to be prepared to do difficult things that I did not expect and did not desire."... While we only began this journey six and a half months ago, we can already see the many health benefits of living this way.... Most of all, we have had the spiritual benefits of having the Spirit direct us more fully and enlighten the minds of our children.... I also am grateful for Joseph Smith and can say with all confidence and true knowledge that I know he was an inspired prophet of the Lord to receive this revelation [the Word of Wisdom] for us.

- Katie Johnson, Bountiful, Utah

At 46 I was in very good health, or so I thought. I was in a kick-boxing class, could do 80 pushups, and could run forever. But my feet started to tingle a lot. The tingling gradually grew into outright pain. Terrible, unbearable pain.... When they took x-rays of my feet they were astounded. My bones were disappearing.... I was given more medicine for the diabetes issue and was told to cut way down on carbs: go easy on the fruit and bread and eat meat.... But nothing worked... My wife suggested I try going totally vegan. I resisted at first, but then she said, "You can do this for three months, and if it doesn't work, go back to your animal products."

I went to my doctor and had her run all the tests on me to have as a baseline. She told me I was crazy, but she went along with the plan. Then I went completely one hundred percent plant-based for three months and had her run those same tests again. I will never forget the doctor's appointment when she discussed the test results with me. She walked into the room and said, "Well Paul, you should have gone to medical school instead of law school. You have cured yourself." All of my numbers were completely normal... My life experience has led me to the undeniable conclusion that someone really knew what he was doing when he wrote Section 89. It's high time for members of the LDS faith to take their Word of Wisdom compliance to the next level.

- Paul Johnson, Orem, Utah

I grew up in a family that always tried to eat healthy, without refined sugars and processed foods. My mom was vegetarian and mostly vegan, so we did not have a lot of meat at our house.... When I went to BYU, I took a nutrition course. I remember feeling like they were off base because I believed my mom was right and that animal products were not necessary or healthy, but I didn't give it much thought....When our oldest daughter was about six months old, my dad was experiencing health problems and decided to go completely vegan to see if his problems would go away. I got the book Food for Life by Neal Barnard and was so excited when I read it because it made so much sense to me! My husband and I (his idea) decided to support my dad in his decision and try it out ourselves. We have never looked back!... I love my mom's patriarchal blessing that mentions how she will eat, and I also have a vegan friend who had a very specific patriarchal blessing that told her she was "eating in the Lord's way" even though the patriarch did not know her or her diet at all. I have also had friends have the Sprit testify to them that going plant based was the right direction for them. It is wonderful that if we are searching with an open heart, Heavenly Father will guide us to the correct knowledge of how to take care of our bodies. 

- Eliza Hirschi, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

One day [in] April, as I was driving past our local chapel, the Spirit whispered to me, "Get a PSA test." Because it was such a strong prompting, I didn't delay.... Many tests later, I had a confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer.... That night I ended up at the New Zealand Temple, where I pled with the Lord.... Suddenly, I remembered my patriarchal blessing, which promised me two gifts (1) the ability to solve my own problems and (2) the gift of discernment to choose wisely. I said to the Lord, "I have these gifts. I need to use them. PLEASE help me."

I stared down at my lap and the scriptures I was holding opened to Section 89.... I read the verses in front of me. When I cane to verse 13, my heart started racing.... I instantly felt the answer I was seeking was somehow related to food.... At my next appointment with the specialist I asked him outright, "Could my cancer be related to food?" The specialist was a very good man, who I liked, but he said, "No, not at all, eat what you like."

I came away feeling very confused but decided the prompting I had received was just too strong to ignore, so that day I cut almost all animal protein out of my diet. My wife was upset, as were our children.... I have changed so much over the past three plus years. My perspective has changed. I love life. I meditate, do yoga, and run barefoot (previously I couldn't run due to knee pain.) I have even started a blog. My wife has joined me on this journey, which has been awesome - we've even held classes together at church meetings about this topic.... I feel so alive. I feel great. This is how I think everyone should feel and how Heavenly Father wants each of us to feel.

- Kevin Tunstall, Hamilton, New Zealand

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